Barricades are erected in front of San Francisco City Hall in preparation for later protests.

A San Francisco Sheriffs Department bus waits outside City Hall before protests begin.

Protesters rest outside San Francisco City Hall before the crowd arrives.

A protester sits outside City Hall with a "Make Racism Wrong Again" sign.

Three protesters sit outside City Hall with signs waiting for the protest to begin.

"Who do we call when the murderer wears a badge?"

A lone protester cleans up litter in Civic Center Plaza before the protest.

Protesters begin to assemble outside San Francisco City Hall for the George Floyd Protest on Sunday May 31 2020.

Deputies from the San Francisco Sheriffs Department Emergency Service Unit don "Blue Lives Matter" masks and a tear gas launcher while standing guard outside City Hall.

Protesters speak about how police brutality has affected them, their families, and their community.

A deputy with the San Francisco Sheriffs Department scans the crowd a camcorder, filming protesters.

Protesters gather outside San Francisco City Hall to show support for George Floyd.

Protesters raise signs over the crowd in front of San Francisco City Hall.

"I Can't Breathe"

A deputy with the San Francisco Sheriffs Department takes photos of protesters with a telephoto lens.

A crowd of protesters begin their march from City Hall.

A large crowd of protesters march from City Hall to show support for George Floyd.

A group of officers with the San Francisco Police Department follow marching protesters to provide crowd control.

A group of officers with the SFPD march behind protesters on Polk Street past City Hall.

Officers with the SFPD Honda Unit provide support for the march.

SFPD officers form a skirmish line across Market Street, squaring off against a crowd of protesters.

A San Francisco police officer holds traffic to allow protesters to pass.

A lone protester walks up to the police skirmish line to have their voice heard.

A protester asks police officers to lay down their equipment and march with protesters.

Protesters march on Market Street towards the Embarcadero in support on of George Floyd.

Protesters march past the James R. Browning United States Courthouse.

A large crowd of protesters fill 7th Street between Market Street and Mission Street.

A protester holds traffic to allow the crowd to pass.

Protesters approach a police skirmish line with arms raised in the air shouting "don't shoot".

The San Francisco Police Department forms a skirmish line on 7th Street to redirect marching protesters.

Protesters meet a police skirmish line at 7th Street and Cleveland Street.

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